Jennifer Chan is an Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at the Feinberg School of Medicine. She is a hybrid researcher-practitioner with over 15 years of experience working with NGOs and United Nations agencies as a public health, crisis informatics and humanitarian data specialist. She co-authored Disaster 2.0, a report describing the challenges of information sharing and technology in the aftermath of the 2010 Haiti earthquake, and built the Crisis Informatics program at NetHope during the West Africa Ebola Response. Her transdisciplinary research in the information and computer sciences, engineering, and epidemiology focus on the translation of scientific methods into practice. She collaborates with research teams and practitioners to help strengthen the theoretical and methodological assumptions of how scientific applications translate into practice with a focus on operational impact and ultimately decision-making. She previously advised NetHope and the United Nations Centre for Humanitarian Data as well as acted as an external advisor to the International Federation of the Red Cross 2018 World Disaster Report. She continues to advise global health and humanitarian organizations.
Faculty Advisory Council (FAC)
Appointed for a year-long term, the members of the FAC serve as Buffett's faculty governance team. In monthly meetings, they offer advice to the director and deputy director on the Institute's work, suggest new initiatives and events, and act as ambassadors to the faculty at large across Northwestern's schools.Members
Nicholas Diakopoulos is Professor of Communication Studies at the School of Communication and Computer Science (by courtesy) at the McCormick School of Engineering. He directs the Computational Journalism Lab and is the Director of Graduate Studies for the Technology and Social Behavior PhD program. His research focuses on computational journalism, including aspects of automation and algorithms in news production, algorithmic accountability and transparency, and social media in news contexts. He is the author of the award-winning book Automating the News: How Algorithms are Rewriting the Media.
Jennifer Dunn is Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering and (by courtesy) Mechanical Engineering as well as the Director of the Center for Engineering Sustainability and Resilience at the McCormick School of Engineering. She studies emerging technologies, their energy and environmental impacts, and their potential to influence air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption, and energy consumption at the economy-wide level. Particular technologies of interest include biofuels and bioproducts, automotive lithium-ion batteries, fuels and chemicals made from carbon capture and utilization technologies and from natural gas liquids, and resource recovery from wastewater. She applies life cycle analysis as a key tool to evaluate emerging technologies.
Neha Jain is the Deputy Director of the Buffett Institute for Global Affairs and Professor of Law at the Pritzker School of Law. She teaches and writes on international law, human rights law, comparative law and criminal law. She is the author of Perpetrators and Accessories in International Criminal Law (2014) and her work has appeared in numerous journals, including the American Journal of Comparative Law, American Journal of International Law, European Journal of International Law and Harvard International Law Journal. Her article “Manufacturing Statelessness” was awarded the 2022 Francis Deák Prize for best article by American Journal of International Law.