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Northwestern Buffett Institute for Global Affairs

Threatened, Displaced or At-Risk Scholars

Northwestern faculty and administrators wishing to host a threatened, displaced or at-risk scholar or practitioner (journalist, lawyer, human rights defender, artist, writer and others) may apply for funding and resources through this Buffett Institute program. The application for the 2025–26 academic year is now open!

Typically, at-risk scholars and practitioners are hosted for one to two years in visiting faculty positions and contribute to the university through research and teaching. These visiting faculty positions are hosted in the department or school, with support from the Buffett Institute.


This fund from the Buffett Institute is intended to supplement or match funds from Northwestern departments and/or externally funded fellowships to generate a salary for a visiting position that meets university standards. While the salary may differ depending on job duties and departmental resources, we provide a funding example to aid in your planning (accessible via Northwestern NetID). In all cases, we recommend that proposed at-risk scholars apply for externally funded fellowships, even if University support is available.

External partners

We currently partner with the following external organizations that support at-risk scholars and practitioners. Please note there are many more organizations and resources available to at-risk scholars and practitioners.

If the proposed at-risk scholar or practitioner intends to apply for either of the above opportunities, please let us know in advance. While we may not be able to advise on the application, we can inform partnered organizations that we support the application.


Please contact if you need assistance with this application process. We highly encourage interested faculty or administrators to set up a consultation process before beginning the application.

Application deadline: March 15, 2025

Apply Now

This application is open to all Northwestern faculty and administrators who know a scholar or practitioner (journalist, lawyer, human rights defender, artist, writer and others) who could benefit from this program.

We have limited capacity to directly match scholars who do not already have a connection with a Northwestern host department but may be able to accommodate such cases on an exceptional basis. See the "Self-Nomination" tab for more information.

Proposed at-risk scholars or practitioners should not have been displaced or have resided outside their home countries for more than three years. They should not have citizenship in a safe second country.

This fund is not intended for Research Visitors, who are not employees of the university and are unpaid. Learn more about hosting a research visitor.

Any proposed scholar who faces a risk of persecution on account of belief, scholarship or identity or is experiencing displacement due to war and conflict is eligible. The decision about what counts as sufficient risk, and who meets the criteria for being considered a "scholar" in practice, will be determined by the review committee, which is composed of members of the Buffett Institute’s Global and Faculty Advisory Councils. Proposed scholars should meet the academic standards set by their disciplines. 

The grant is open to proposed scholars at risk in any geographic region. The committee will consider representation of scholars at risk at Northwestern across geographic regions and disciplines in making award decisions.

Priority will be given to applicants who have received outside funding or affiliation from an organization that supports at-risk scholars.
The visiting position will be housed in a host department and school. In accepting this award, the host department is asked to integrate the scholar into pertinent departmental activities and programming. Whenever possible, the host department should provide the scholar with office space. 

In addition, the host department is asked to identify a faculty mentor, preferably within the scholar’s field or discipline, who can provide intellectual and academic support as the scholar is planning for next steps following their time at Northwestern. This includes helping them make meaningful connections within relevant intellectual communities at Northwestern, in Chicago and the U.S. at large. Typically, but not always, this is the person who submits this funding application.

The Buffett Institute will work with the Office of International Student & Scholar Services to support the scholar’s visa process and their relocation to campus. In addition, the Buffett Institute will assign the scholar a Buffett mentor to advise on matters related to their affiliation with the at-risk scholar program and welcome them to the Buffett scholarly community. Buffett has limited availability of office space for scholars, which is allocated on a first come, first served basis.

This application must be completed by the Northwestern faculty or administrator by March 15, 2025. You may review a PDF of the full application before applying. All submitted application materials will be kept confidential within the review committee.

The application requires the Northwestern faculty or administrator to submit the scholar’s most updated CV and a personal statement from the scholar that provides a clear and detailed account of the threats or risks they are facing and the reasons they cannot continue their work in their home country (up to 500 words). If the scholar is unable to complete this, the faculty host may elaborate elsewhere in the application. 

In addition, the following letters of support are required.

  1. At least one sponsoring faculty member or administrator (typically the individual completing the application).
  2. The department chair, center director or equivalent administrator of the host unit.
  3. If applicable, the Dean of the host school, center or unit.
Letters of support from the unit should emphasize the proposed scholar at risk’s activities, responsibilities and role at Northwestern, including contributions to research and teaching. 


This application must be completed by the Northwestern faculty or administrator by March 15, 2025. While some components will require input from the proposed at-risk scholar, they should not complete the application.

A committee composed of members of the Buffett Institute’s Global and Faculty Advisory Councils will review applications and provide recommendations to Buffett’s Executive Director Deborah Cohen, who approves requests. Buffett will notify applicants by April 1, 2025.

We ask that offers are made by the hosting department to the prospective at-risk scholar no later than May 1, 2025, with the goal of beginning the position on September 1, 2025.

We have limited capacity to directly match scholars who do not already have a connection with a Northwestern host department but may be able to accommodate such cases on an exceptional basis.

Please review the eligibility criteria for proposed at-risk scholars. If you qualify, please submit this brief self-nomination form for consideration.

Unfortunately, this program is not well-suited to emergency placements and rescues. Please review a list of alternative resources if you are in need of such support.