Graduate Development Funding
The Buffett Institute offers doctoral students in years 1-3 Summer Language Training Awards and offers doctoral students in years 3-7 and terminal master’s students Graduate Student Conference Travel Grants.
Summer Language Training Award
The Buffett Institute’s Summer Language Training Awards assist Northwestern doctoral students in years 1–3 with expenses related to language training necessary for their dissertation research. The maximum award is $5,000. Awards are intended to help defray expenses doctoral students incur when pursuing language instruction not available at Northwestern, including tuition and travel costs for students to engage in language learning at other institutions. Learn more >>
International Conference Travel Grant
The Buffett Institute’s International Conference Travel Grants fund Northwestern doctoral students and terminal master’s students who are traveling to present their research at a professional academic conference in a location outside of the contiguous United States. The maximum grant is $1,200, and students are limited to one conference travel grant per academic year and up to two over their graduate careers. Doctoral students in years 3–7 and terminal master's students are eligible. Learn more >>